Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Matrix Object, Thinking Particles and Geometry

A question was raised on fxphd about the different ways to generate geometry for Thinking Particles if you have created them using the MoGraph Matrix object.

You can do it several ways. You can create a Particle Geometry Object then create the particle geometry using Xpresso and the PShape node.

Alternatively you can use the Cloner Object and clone onto the Matrix Object.

I've created a couple of simple scenes that illustrate this. I've used two particle groups and then a simple Xpresso setup for each. The first scales one group of particles down and and the other aligns the second group to a null object.

The final scene is an example of doing this using only MoGraph, so no Thinking Particles or Xpresso is used.

Here's a link to the files.

I hope you find them useful.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Layouts in Cinema4d

I have a few people asking what layouts I use in Cinema4d.

So I've added a couple of links to my widescreen and two monitor layouts. These are the layouts I use pretty much 90% of the time. I hope you find them useful.

Click here to view the two monitor layout

Click here to view the wide screen layout

Click here to download a zip with both layouts