Thursday, February 28, 2008

Easy Extrudes in Cinema4D

Imagine you get sent a logo for a job you're working on. You need to animate all the separate parts of the logo, you'll need to create an ExtrudeNURBS for each individual spline. There could be quite a few splines to deal with. Here's a quick tip that shows you how to generate an individual ExtrudeNURBS for each spline you have.

Place all the splines under one ExtrudeNURBS. Name the splines appropriately.

Then click the hierarchal checkbox in the ExtrudeNURBS Object tab.

Once you've done this, adjust any parameters on the ExtrudeNURBS that you want to.

If you then press 'c' or choose Functions > Make Editable. The hierarchy will change and you'll be left with an individual ExtrudeNURBS for each spline. The ExtrudeNURBS will take their name from the spline and all the parameters you adjusted will be identical on each one.

Here's a quick movie showing you the technique. Quite a simple trick but if you didn't know it then hopefully you've found it useful.


edit : here's a link to a quicktime as the blogger movie is far to small, sorry about that.

Easy Extrudes


Friday, February 08, 2008

AE & Cinema4D tips too.

Hey everyone,

So now we have a blog, this will be the place where I will post my downloads and tricks and tips. So if you've visited my pages on the old HYPA site in the past, bookmark this now! I'll certainly be updating this a lot more than my old site which was becoming part of antiquity. So watch out for tips and tricks from me appearing here.

In case you didn't know. I've been teaching a course over at fxphd. The course is intermediate After Effects and this is my first term. The response has been amazing and it is a great community. I am really enjoying it, thanks to everyone on the course.

Here's a preview of the result from the lastest class. It was great fun to do.

Someone requested a quicktime version of this movie, so here you go. Blog

Hi Everyone,

We're excited to launch our first official blog from 
We'll be posting news, creative stuff, technical help and some interesting thoughts.

Thanks for visiting, we hope you enjoy the blog.

Thanks, Mark